Donations to any existing fund of the Foundation may be made several ways.
1. Mail a check to the Foundation office, payable to the San Angelo Area Foundation and note the fund name in the memo portion of your check.
2. You may make a secure online credit card donation using the donate button on the home page of this web site. Be sure to indicate the fund name in the comments section.
3. Gifts of publicly traded stock may be gifted to any fund. This type of gift allows the avoidance of capital gains tax on the stock, however the donor is eligible for a charitable tax deduction for the current value of the stock. To make a gift of stock, please contact us for stock transfer instructions between your broker and the Foundation.
4. Gifts of real estate, privately held stocks, oil and gas interests also have similar advantages to gifts of public stock. To find our more, please contact us.
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for funding, the applicant organization must:
Be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization as defined in Section 509(a)(1) and/or Section 170(b)(1)(a)(vi) or Section 509(a)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or affiliated with a nonprofit organization, or a governmental unit. Individuals are not eligible applicants.
Use grant funds within and for the benefit of residents and communities of the 17 counties of the San Angelo area.
Our annual discretionary grant cycle is as follows:
The Foundation accepts all grant requests online year round. The Foundation currently has one grant funding cycle for discretionary grants each year, however grant requests are reviewed for consideration from other funding sources from time to time.
Our annual discretionary grant cycle is as follows:
- Request must be submitted online by September 1st of each year
- Foundation staff and volunteers review requests and may request additional information between September 1st and November 15th
- Awards are announced no sooner than December 1st
Please click on our Grantseekers tab to apply for a grant.
Pay close attention to scholarship application deadlines. Use a calendar, make a schedule for yourself and stick to it. Applications submitted past the deadline are not considered.
Gather application materials early - give yourself plenty of time to complete each step. Preview the application first to make sure you have everything you need to complete the application. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Prepare your resume and keep it updated - this is a good way to outline your thoughts and show your activities and achievements.
Think carefully about who to list as a recommendation. Choose people who can be available upon request to articulate your strengths as well as your ability to overcome your weaknesses.
In your essays, let your personality shine through. Present your ideas in a focused, thoughtful and meaningful manner. Write in a natural style and support your ideas with specific examples.
Proofread your essays and applications. Ask friends, teachers or parents for feedback. Type your essay ahead of time, checking for grammar and errors, then copy and paste your essay into our on-line application.
Keep a copy of everything you submit!
If you are notified that you have received a scholarship made possible by a specific donor, send a thank-you note to the donor. Also, if appropriate, keep the donor informed of your progress.
One scholarship application can be completed by a student who desires to be considered for one or any of the scholarships of the San Angelo Area Foundation. Applications are submitted on-line. Amounts and number of scholarship awards vary and depend upon the value and performance of each fund, number of recipients selected and an amount available for distribution from the fund. Some scholarships are available to graduating high school seniors while others are limited to current college students. All scholarship applications should include at least two references, not including any family members and at least one outside of school faculty. Applications are accepted annually from January 1st until March 1st. Notifications of awards are made by May 15th of each year, with payment of awards occurring two weeks prior to the start of the following semester.
One scholarship application can be completed by a student who desires to be considered for one or any of the scholarships of the San Angelo Area Foundation. Certain questions are asked in the application process, which is used to determine which scholarship funds a student is considered eligible.
Merit-based scholarships are based on prior academic performance. Other criteria may include leadership, involvement in community and/or school activities, geographical background, ethnic background, intended major, and career goals.
It is recommended to first file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Also, most universities hold numerous unused scholarships for which you can apply. To be considered for need-based scholarships, the San Angelo Area Foundation takes into consideration the family income along with the number of family members, and if there are any extraordinary circumstances which the family has endured, adding financial strain.
Amounts and number of scholarship awards vary and depend upon the value and performance of each fund, number of recipients selected and the amount available for distribution from the fund.
Scholarship recipients are notified in writing of their award by May 15th of each year. This letter also includes an information and release form that must be returned to the Foundation along with the recipient's fall course schedule, before a scholarship check is mailed. Once this information is received, a check will be made payable to the university or college the recipient will attend in the fall. This check is mailed by August 10th of each year. If the scholarship is for more than one semester (a renewable scholarship) the student must provide a copy of their grades and next semester's course schedule, prior to the release of funds. Once the grades and course schedule are received by the Foundation, checks are sent to the college or university by January 10th of each year. Most multi-semester scholarships require at least 12 hours of classes and a 2.5 GPA. Multi-year scholarships continue this process for each semester. Different scholarship funds have different grade requirements and this information will be communicated in writing with each recipients.
Scholarship applications are available and accepted only on our website every January 1, and must be completed by March 1. Late applications will not be accepted. Scholarships are only awarded once a year, so missing a deadline can mean missing out until the next cycle.
Most of our scholarships are for graduating high school seniors, however, scholarships for transfer students or graduate students are accepted and considered.
The Foundation serves the residents of the following 17 counties: Tom Green, Crockett, Sutton, Kimble, Mason, Llano, San Saba, Menard, Schleicher, Reagan, Irion, Concho, McCulloch, Runnels, Coke, Sterling, and Glasscock.