These are funds in which the donor and/or their named advisors can be involved in the grant-making process. Typically, the donor recommends organizations they wish to see supported. The donor can use the services of the Foundation to perform due diligence and assist the donor with background information on the charities or causes they seek to assist. A donor advised fund works very similar to a private foundation, but it has less expense and provides more assistance, oversight, and investment performance. Click here to compare a donor advised fund to a private foundation. To view a sample donor advised fund gift agreement and the Foundation's policy for donor-advised fund, click the links at the bottom of this page.
Aboussie-Hay Charitable Gift Fund
All-Tex Irrigation Charitable Fund
Christian Asher Memorial Fund
Cope / Bodine Family Fund
Bailey Family Charitable Fund
Bates Family Foundation Fund
Liz and Devin Bates Gifting Fund
Bennie Family Fund
Bozeman Family Charitable Fund
Champions Advocating 4 Children Endowment Fund
Sarah Brinkman Charitable Fund
Samuel Brinkman Charitable Fund
Randy and Susan Brooks Charitable Foundation Fund
Lauren Brooks Charitable Fund
Mason Brooks Charitable Fund
Jay and Linda Boyd Family Charitable Fund
Jennifer and Tim Crutchfield Charitable Fund
James and Carmen Dusek Charitable Gift Fund
Steve Eustis Charitable Fund
Martha Pool Elder Charitable Fund
Jason and Suzanne Felger Charitable Fund
"Fore" the Kids Endowment Fund
Retha & John Fortenberry Charitable Fund
Foundation For Truth Fund
Flynn Endowment Fund
Friendship Fund
Debbie Frost Charitable Fund
Bert & Debbie Frost Charitable Fund
Helen and Lynn Glass Family Charitable Fund
Kenneth S. and Brenda Gunter Donor Advised Fund
Hadlee Holik Memorial Fund
Heartfull Helping Hands Fund
Dr. James Herbert Children's Fund
Heinze Family Fund
Honey Charitable Fund
Huffman Family Charitable Fund
King Family Charitable Fund
Lady in Blue Angel Fund
Bob and Jean Ann LeGrand Charitable Fund
Matt & Charlotte Lewis Charitable Gift Fund
Pat and Suzy Makins Giving Fund
The Mattaw Ministries and Children's Home Donor Advised Fund
Patti May Charitable Fund
Mayer Charitable Fund
Robert Sol Mayer Charitable Fund
Ralph and Bobby Lou Mayer Charitable Fund
McKinney Family Charitable Fund
Amy and John Mark McLaughlin Donor Advised Fund
Lee and Dr. Pat Moore Charitable Fund
New Family Gifting Fund
Norris Family Charitable Fund
Oliver, Rainey and Wojtek Charitable Gift Fund
Mary Pfluger Carnes Endowment Fund
Bill and Karen Pfluger Donor Advised Fund
Bill and Karen Pfluger Endowment Fund
Bill and Karen Pfluger Lutheran Missions Endowment Fund
Point of Light Fund
Price Family Charitable Fund
Walter and Reagan Reed Charitable Fund
San Angelo Kiwanis Club Endowment Fund
San Angelo Rotary Charitable Fund
Simons Family Charitable Fund
Pollyanna and Steve Stephens Charitable Gifting Fund
Casey and Joe Thieman Charitable Fund
Tim R. Turner & Judy D. Turner Donor Advised Fund
The Kingdom Fund
Shangri-La Charitable Fund
David Wallace Family Charitable Fund
The Wolslager Foundation Fund
Donor Advised Fund Sample Agreement
Donor Advised Fund Policy
Donor Advised Fund Handbook