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List of Scholarship Funds


The following are descriptions of the available scholarships from the San Angelo Area Foundation:

Nancy G. Agan Marketing Scholarship Endowment Fund

Established by Michael J. Agan to honor his wife Nancy Agan. To say Nancy was larger than life, is an understatement. Born and raised in the star-studded Hollywood Hills of Los Angeles; she moved to San Angelo, Texas and brought a little of that California sunshine with her. Nancy established a high fashion clothing store in the middle of the West Texas desert and not only survived but became known far and wide for her fun-loving style and no-nonsense business acumen. She was a marketing genius, knowing that she embodied the very brand that would make her successful. One could not say Nancy’s without adding “she’s so unusual”. This scholarship will assist a student who is majoring in Marketing/Business, with extra consideration for those seeking a fashion marketing emphasis.

Darlene and Robert Allen Scholarship Fund

Scholarship for students who are pursuing a degree in agriculture or education from Lohn, Rochelle, or Brady. 

George Alexander Scholarship Fund

Established by the Health Foundation in honor of Mr. Alexander's service on the board. Provides scholarships to physically-handicapped students in the San Angelo area who plan to attend any accredited college or university.


Allison Educational Fund 

Created by the Allison Educational Trust for scholarships to graduating seniors of Sonora High School.


Mike and Donna Anderson ASU Baseball Scholarship Fund

Endowed scholarship awarded annually to an ASU student or newly admitted student who will play baseball for ASU and who is from the Concho Valley. 

Homer Anderson Outstanding Musician Scholarship

Honoring Homer Anderson, the first director of instrumental music for San Angelo Public Schools, this will award a scholarship to an outstanding musician from Central High School who intends to pursue a college degree in a music related field.


 LaRue D. Allison Scholarship Fund

Established by Steve and Pollyanna Stephens in honor of LaRue D. Allison, Pollyanna's mother.  Scholarships awarded to students who have graduated from high school within the area served by the Foundation and who will be a full-time student at any accredited college or university. 



Earnest and Dorothy Barrow Foundation Scholarship Fund

Created by the board of directors of the Barrow Foundation, in memory of its creators, to support scholarships to youth from Runnels, Concho and Tom Green Counties, who are working towards undergraduate and graduate degrees in agricultural related studies.

Barrow Foundation Texas A&M Scholarship Fund

Scholarship fund created by the Barrow Foundation for Tom Green County and Concho County for Texas A&M students with preference for study in Agriculture or History. 

Clay Antilley Memorial Scholarship Fund

Established by friends and family in memory of Clay.  Scholarships are available to students from Coke County. 


Travis Scott Armstrong Scholarship Fund

In memory of their son Travis, Bill and Susan Armstrong established this scholarship fund in 2003. Travis was born in San Angelo and resided there most of his life. He later enrolled at the Marine Military Academy, an all-boys boarding school affiliated with the Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps located in Harlingen, Texas. While at MMA, Travis was elected Cadet of the Month, Cadet of the Year for Delta Company and received the honor of Most Valuable Player for baseball. He attained the rank of Cadet Staff Sergeant. Travis returned to San Angelo for his senior year at Central High School. He excelled in athletics while a member of the Bobcat football and swimming teams, graduating in May 1999. Travis was a member of the First United Methodist Church where he served as an usher with his dad and brother for many years. He was well-known for his faith and service to others. He volunteered for Meals for the Elderly, West Texas Boys Ranch and Wesley United Methodist Church Soup Kitchen. Travis enlisted in the Army in 2002. He was stationed at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, where he was training to be a medical corpsman with the 232D Medical Battalion. This scholarship is awarded to a student who is an alumnus of the West Texas Boys Ranch and is enrolled (or plans to enroll) as a full time student in any accredited college, or trade school. 


ASU Baseball Scholarship Fund

Fund created by supporters of the ASU men's baseball program to provide scholarships for the program. 


ASU Fame Endowed Scholarship Fund

Established by the Board of Directors of the Angelo State University Friends of Art and Music Education (FAME) to provide scholarships for music and art students attending Angelo State.  Additional donors have added to the fund to allow more students the opportunity to major in the Arts as ASU.  

ASU FAME - Mayer Anderson Memorial Scholarship Fund

Mayer Anderson Memorial Fund is a fund within the ASU FAME Program. Created by Doris and Norm Rousselot in memory of their grandson, who passed away in 1998. Mayer Anderson was a wonderful artist and talented guitar player, so the Rousselots saw it fitting to create the fund in their grandson's memory.

Margaret Stites Memorial ASU FAME Scholarship Fund

Established by Margaret Mallard in memory of Margaret Stites, a visual arts professor at Angelo State University. Scholarship provides assistance to ASU students in the field of visual arts.


Armstrong Backus Scholarship Fund

Perpetual scholarship established by the partners of the San Angelo accounting firm of Armstrong Backus and Co. Fund awards a scholarship to an ASU graduate student majoring in accounting with the intention of becoming a CPA. 


GT Bailey Memorial Internship Fund

Established by an anonymous donor in honor of Garnet Tolbert (Tol) Bailey, who was the beloved stepfather of donor and life-long bookkeeper. This fund will provide real world work experience for students attending Angelo State University currently enrolled in an accounting related degree program. The Foundation will work closely with the ASU President and the specified department head, with recommendations based on high academic ability, strong work ethic, financial need and level of employer support.


Bass Family Scholarship Fund

Created by the Bass family in honor of their employees who also wanted to contribute a fund in honor of the great automobile dealership in San Angelo. Dependents of current employees of the Bass Automotive Group are eligible to apply for this scholarship.


Jack & Nina Brewer Scholarship Fund

Jack and Nina Brewer established this scholarship in 2003. Soon after was the unfortunate death of Jack. Jack was born in Stilwell, Oklahoma in 1927, where he attended public school. After graduation he volunteered for the Navy and served until the end of World War II. Following his discharge he played football at Oklahoma Eastern A&M and graduated from Northeastern State at Tahlequah. He then moved to Borger, Texas to start his coaching career, which lasted for 36 years. In Borger, Jack married Nina Starkey, who was also a coach-teacher. They had no children but had many young friends they "claimed" as their own. Jack moved up the ladder to college level of Howard Payne University where he coached for three years. HPU won the Conference Title in 1954. Jack then moved to La Vega High School of Waco as head coach from 1956-1958 and was named Central Texas Coach of the Year in 1957. Jack and Nina moved to Odessa, Ector County ISD where Jack continued his service as a coach and teacher. Jack earned many honors while in Odessa which included: Texas Hall of Honor, Top of Texas Hall of Fame, board of directors for the High School Athletic Directors Association, National Athletic Association Board member, "Outstanding Alumnus" of his hometown of Stilwell, Top of Texas Football Magazine "Hall of Fame," Who's Who in Texas Education, Who's Who in American Education, Who's Who in International Education, award for outstanding service to the youth of Odessa, "Outstanding Leadership" award. There are many more awards, too numerous to mention. Jack retired and moved to Robert Lee in 1986. Jack and Nina loved to fish and spent much time at Lake Spence and Lake Ivie. The Brewers spent time in church and loved doing civic work. At the time of Jacks death, he served on the Upper Colorado River Authority Board of Directors. He was appointed by then-Gov. George W. Bush. Because of his illness (myelodysplasia-leukemia), Jack was unable to serve on the many other boards from which he participated. Scholarships awarded annually to qualified graduates of Robert Lee High School.  

James Earl Brooks Memorial Scholarship Fund

Created by family and friends, this scholarship honors his life of work to provide scholarships for those seeking a mechanically related trade degree attending area trade schools. James loved working on all things mechanical and had a life long and storied career of fixing anything mechanical. 

Ted Bruton Memorial Scholarship Fund

Memorial scholarship created by friends and family of Ted Bruton, son of Mark and Ginger Bruton, the fund awards a scholarship to a qualifying student from San Angelo or the Concho Valley accepted as a student at Texas A&M.


Bill Carrico Music Scholarship Fund

Created by the Class of 1954 along with former students, family and friends in memory of Bill Carrico, a former band director of Pecos, Texas.  Scholarships awarded to music students from the Pecos area of West Texas.


Central High Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund

Established at the 40th reunion of the San Angelo Central High School Class of 1965.  The class decided a scholarship fund would perpetuate their ideals by helping future Central High School students continue learning after high school.  Awarded to graduating high school seniors of  Central High School.   


Central High School Scholarship Fund

Created by members of the 1972 class of Central High School, in celebration of their 50 year class reunion, to provide scholarships to future graduates of Central High School. While created by the Class of 1972, the name is generic so any classmate can contribute to help future graduates of CHS continue their higher education goals.  


Elizabeth & Joe Chapman Scholarship Fund

Created by Kitty Bristow in memory of her parents Elizabeth and Joe Chapman.  Scholarship awarded to a graduating senior of Water Valley High School.

Class of 1958 SAHS Scholarship Fund

Scholarship fund established by the last graduating class of San Angelo High School (1958) before the name was changed to San Angelo Central High School in order to leave a legacy of San Angelo High School and their graduating class by helping future Central High School students achieve higher education. Awarded to graduating seniors of Central High School. 


Zane Coates Memorial Scholarship Fund

Established by friends and family in memory of Zane Coates,scholarship awarded to a graduate of a  high school located within the 17 counties served by the Foundation who has participated in rodeo and/or agricultural related activities, and who plans to attend any accredited college or university.


Coke County Foundation Scholarship Fund

Established by the Coke County Foundation to award scholarships to qualified seniors of Coke County who plan to attend an accredited college or university.


Alvie and Mildred Cole Scholarship Fund

Established by family in memory of parents who ranched in Sterling County having spent 61 years of marriage dedicated to children's education and well-being regardless of background. Alvie served in the US Army in WWII and attended Angelo College, becoming a self-taught welder, designer, and creator becoming a well-respected horse trainer, rancher and oilman. Mildred graduated from Texas Women’s University and went on to teach Home Economics, sharing her love of cooking and sewing. In their life roles, they created the first horse therapy swimming pool in Ruidoso, NM, ran successful businesses in New Mexico, Texas and supported many causes, but always followed their passion of making children and education their priority. This scholarship will go to at least one boy and girl each year, based on demonstrated need and academic success, which can support traditional college degrees as well as junior college or vocational schools. 


Paige Corbell Memorial Scholarship Fund

Created by friends and family in memory of Paige, an aspiring Angelo State University senior, to provide scholarships for qualified Angelo State University students who have earned at least 75 credit hours and intend to graduate from Angelo State University.


Melba White Cox Scholarship Fund

Established by X B Cox, Jr. in honor of his wife, Melba, to award scholarships to a student who is a graduate of a high school located within the 17 counties served by the Foundation and with at least 60 college credit hours, is majoring in the sciences, and who intends to continue their studies in the field of medicine.


X B Cox Jr. Family Scholarship Fund

Established by the X B Cox Jr. family in memory of X B "Boone" Cox IV who passed away in 2006 from cancer.  Fund provides scholarships for students pursuing a graduate degree in the medical field with preference given to the study of cancer research.


Diamond M Foundation Scholarship Fund  

Scholarship for students attending Western Texas College.

Daniel & Lois Duderstadt Arnold Scholarship Fund 

The Daniel and Lois Duderstadt Arnold Scholarship Fund was established in 2004 by Yvonne Meyer in memory of her mother, Lois. Lois was born on July 12, 1912 in Kerr County. She was married to the late Daniel Arnold for 63 years, until his death in 1996. Lois attended Reservation School in Kerr County and graduated from San Marcos Academy in San Marcos, Texas. A member of Calvary Episcopal Church since 1934, Lois was active as Altar Guild directress, Sunday school teacher and in various activities in the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas. She was among the founders of Menard's Community Vacation Bible School. While her daughters were in school, she also was active in school and after-school activities. This scholarship can be awarded to a graduate of Menard High School, preference given to those pursuing a nursing degree or LVN. 


Frank Emerick Memorial Internship Fund

Established by an anonymous donor in honor of Frank Emerick, who was the Sheriff of Irion County, in Sherwood, Texas in the early 1900’s. In honor of pioneering peace officers, this fund will provide real world work experience for students attending Angelo State University in the professional field of study related to peace officers, including but not limited to careers with the police, sheriff, or military professions and currently enrolled in a related field of study such as criminal justice. The Foundation will work closely with the ASU President and the specified department head, with recommendations based on high academic ability, strong work ethic, financial need and level of employer support.

Fallen Peace Officers Children's Scholarship Fund

Created in memory of Stephen Jones and Samuel Leonard who died on duty as deputies of the Concho County Sheriff’s department on May 10, 2021. This scholarship will provide educational assistance for any child of an active-duty peace officer who has died while in the line of duty from any of the following counties: Tom Green, Crockett, Sutton, Kimble, Mason, Llano, San Saba, Menard, Schleicher, Reagan, Irion, Concho, McCullough, Runnels, Coke, Sterling, and Glasscock.


1st Community Federal Credit Union/Mark Nikolauk Memorial Scholarship Fund

Scholarship created by Bill Nikolauk and family and by 1st Community Federal Credit Union in memory of Bill's brother, Mark. Awarded to students who graduated from a high school in the area served by the foundation and who will be full-time students at Angelo State University.

Dr. Ronnie Fenton Scholarship Fund

Endowed scholarship created by Dr. Fenton's wife, JoAnna, in honor of their 20th wedding anniversary.  He was on the planning committee when the SAISD Foundation was created.  Scholarship is awarded to recipeint who is at least a junior at ASU, intends to become a teacher and is majoring in math, physicis, or chemistry.

Old Central Firehouse First Responders Scholarship Fund 

With a commitment to support those who keep us safe in our community, Old Central Firehouse has created a scholarship to be awarded to a dependent of a First Responder in Tom Green County.

Florence Nightingale Endowed Scholarship Fund

Scholarship fund established by alumni of the former Shannon West Texas Memorial Hospital School of Nursing to encourage area youth to pursue careers in the field of health care in the Concho Valley area.

Flynn Scholarship Fund

Created by Billy and Claudine Flynn to provide grants to qualified recipients  who are regular attendees of a church of Christ church in the Concho Valley area of West Texas and adhere to the Biblical mission of the church, were residents of an area church of Christ Children's Home, or persons desiring to become a preacher of a church of Christ or related mission.

Paul Gibson Memorial Scholarship Fund

Created by the employers and friends of Paul in his memory to provide scholarships to area students majoring in a communication or broadcasting.


Sterling Gillis Scholarship Fund

Established by the San Angelo Health Foundation in honor of Dr. Gillis' service on the foundation's board from 1995 to 2009. Dr. Gillis was a founder of Angelo Community Hospital practicing until 1998 delivering over 7,000 babies. This fund will provide scholarships to local youth that have completed 60 credit hours with the intent of becoming a physician. 


Jo Grace TWQA Scholarship Fund  

Jo Grace TWQA Scholarship Fund was created in honor of a long time TWQA employee to provide a scholarship in her name to a chosen recipient affiliated with TWQA.




Grape Creek Education Foundation Scholarship Fund

Scholarship for Grape Creek ISD graduating seniors.



Randee Fawcett Scholarship Fund

Established by the estate of Randee Fawcett for Concho Valley area students who desire to enter a medical field and work in a rural community, as well as youth who partcipated in a rural agricultural way of life and desire to continue that heritage. 

Kent R. Hance ASU Scholarship for Castro County

Created in honor of former Chancellor of the Texas Tech University System in honor of his commitment to Angelo State University will provide scholarships to Castro County students to attend ASU.  

Hard Work & Determination Scholarship Fund  

Created by an anonymous donor to honor hard working parents who raise children under challenging circumstances in which children seek a degree in accounting or similar non-liberal arts degree, preferably at Angelo State University.



Eleanor and Werner Harsch Miles Bulldog Scholarship Fund

Eleanor and Werner Harsch grew up in Miles and attended rural elementary schools and graduated from Miles High School. While in school, both were active in all athletics that the school offered in those early years. After graduating, they continued to attend sporting events and attended all of their children's sporting activities. After their children graduated, they continued to attend pep rallies and ball games for the next 70+ years. They were lifetime members of the Miles PTA and the Bulldog Booster Club. Both were honored as Miles's ‘Number One Bulldog Fans,' and attended most home games in all sports. Werner frequently spoke at Miles pep rallies and always led the team buses out of town with his horn blaring and red/white streamers blowing from his pickup.  
Eleanor was the director of food service in the Miles ISD for 22 years, many former students and sales people would visit the school around lunch time in order to enjoy the hot rolls and other delicacies that were served in the cafeteria. Werner was Miles's water superintendent for over 20 years and after he was over 80, he served as mayor for 12 years. The Harsches were married in 1936 and celebrated their 73rd wedding anniversary before Eleanor passed away in 2010 at 95. Werner died shortly before his 101st birthday in 2012. The Harsches, both residents of Miles for over 95 years, were active members of their community and Trinity Lutheran Church.
This scholarship fund was established as a living tribute to Eleanor and Werner Harsch by their family. Two scholarships will be awarded annually to graduating Miles High School seniors, one to a boy and one to a girl who demonstrate achievement in athletics, leadership and exemplary character, as well as self-discipline, hard work and determination.


Hale Family Scholarship Fund

Established by family members in memory of parents and grandparents who helped settle West Texas in the early 1900's. Scholarship available to any student from the Concho Valley, who will attend Angelo State University or Texas Tech University.


Carlotta T. Hartman Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Established by Pat and Cindy Harris to honor her as a beloved aunt. Carlotta lived many years in Brazil and New York City, but the place that she called HOME was San Angelo, Texas and her Irion County ranch. She is fondly remembered for having a love language of generosity and giving. She enjoyed helping others, and constantly loved family and friends in this way. This $20,000 scholarship, awarded to the Valedictorian of Irion County High School, honors her generous heart, and passion for helping young people.


 Class of 2015 Michael Hill Scholarship Fund 

An endowed scholarship established by his family to honor his memory. Mike was a devoted son and friend and his family desires to provide a lasting legacy of helping future Ozona graduates through this scholarship fund. Each year, a $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to a graduate of Ozona High School to attend college, trade or vocational school. 

Loula Belle Hislop Memorial Scholarship Fund

Created by an anonymous donor who received polio therapeutic care from Nurse Hislop during the polio epidemic in the early 1950s to honor the work of all nurses.  This scholarship will assist students seeking a bachelors in nursing from Angelo State University. 

Highland School Scholarship Fund

Scholarship Fund benefiting graduates of Highland ISD.

Carolyn Connelly Hlozek Scholarship Fund

Established by family members to honor Carolyn, who was the valedictorian of Eden High School class of '73. She was voted senior class favorite and voted Most Likely to Succeed. Carolyn graduated from The University of Texas with a degree in Journalism. Carolyn is the perfect role model for those wanting to go to college. She paid 100 percent of her college cost by working part time during school and then paying off her loans after starting her career. This scholarship is awarded each year to the Valedictorian and Salutatorian of Eden High School, in honor and memory of Carolyn. 


Fred and Linda Homeyer Scholarship Fund

The Fred & Linda Homeyer Scholarship Fund was created to provide area youth the opportunity to attend college and further their education. The scholarship targets youth who would not receive federal grants to attend school, yet whose financial situation warrants assistance in order to attend college without additional student loans. The Homeyers were both educators, with Linda teaching elementary school for over 30 years and Fred teaching at Angelo State University.

 H.O. Hoover Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund

A scholarship established by his family and friend to honor the memory as a devoted son, friend and golfer. This scholarship will help future Ozona graduates who participated in golf while in High School, which is available to attend college, trade or vocational school. 


Elizabeth Emerick Howard Memorial Scholarship Fund

Established by an anonymous donor in honor of Elizabeth Emerick Howard, who was a pioneering rancher in Irion County.  In honor of her stewardship of land resources entrusted to her, this fund will provide real world work experience for students attending Angelo State University currently enrolled in an agriculture related field of study. The Foundation will work closely with the ASU President and the specified department head, with recommendations based on high academic ability, strong work ethic, financial need and level of employer support 


Marjorie Howell Scholarship Fund

Established by SAISD teachers and school administrators in honor of Marjorie Howell for her 50+ years of service in the teaching profession. Awarded to a graduate of a San Angelo Independent School District high school who will be an education major at any accredited college or university.

Bob Housley Memorial Scholarship Fund
Bob Housley was a remarkable individual who made significant contributions not only in his industry, but also within the community.  The establishment of the Bob Housley Memorial Scholarship Fund honors his legacy and helps support the education of dependents of Housley Group employees.  His principles of honesty, integrity, and passion for others undoubtedly will leave a lasting impact. 


The James Hindman ASU Baseball Scholarship Fund

Endowed scholarship fund instituted by Clark Pfluger and Ken Lyons to honor Dr. James Hindman. The student athlete selected for this scholarship will be a Concho Valley area student enrolled in the baseball program at ASU.


Howard College San Angelo Scholarship Fund

Established by the Howard College San Angelo Foundation to provide scholarships for students attending Howard College campus in San Angelo. 

Howard College Health Professions Scholarship Fund

Community Medical Center Auxiliary Volunteers created this scholarship fund to assist students attending Howard College seeking to become a healthcare professional. Howard College will select worthy recipients each year for this award.


Karen Kay Huddleston Scholarship Fund

Leanorah and Lloyd Hendry wanted to honor the memory of their daughter Karen with this scholarship fund. Karen resided in San Angelo where she worked at Verizon until March of 2003. Karen became a member of Assembly 100, Order of the Rainbow for Girls, in 1958 and held twelve stations in this Assembly. She was presented the Grand Cross of Color, the highest award received by a Rainbow Girl, by the Supreme Assembly International Order of the Rainbow Girls in recognition of distinguished service in 1963. She was the first San Angelo Rainbow Girl to receive a state honor. The rainbow was her lifelong inspiration. Karen loved the arts and used her artistic talents to give great pleasure to many friends, family, organizations and philanthropies. This scholarship can be awarded to graduating senior(s) from San Angelo Central High School or San Angelo Lake View High School who will major in the arts and attend Angelo State University or Texas A&M University.


Bryan and Velma Hunt Scholarship Fund

Established by Nancy Powell in memory of her parents, scholarship provides assistance to area youth who plan to pursue a degree in agricultural sciences, focusing on the sheep and goat industry.

Evelyn Hyman Vocational Scholarship Fund
Established by the estate of Evelyn Hyman to provide scholarships to vocational education students.  

Dub and June Izzard Scholarship Fund

Established by Rudy Izzard in honor of his parents, Dub and June Izzard; fund is used for football scholarships for student athletes from San Angelo or the Concho Valley who attend Angelo State University.



Carl R. Johnson Spirit Award Scholarship Fund

This fund was created by Byrd Baggett and other classmates of Carl R. Johnson, in his memory, to provide a scholarship to a Central High School Senior who participated in track and field,  exemplifies Carl's spirit of having a servant heart and has persevered through major crucibles in his/her life.


Elmer Kelton Memorial Scholarship Fund

Fund was created as a result of fund-raising efforts surrounding the creation of a statue of Elmer Kelton in the new Tom Green County Library in 2010.  Once sufficient funds had been raised to pay for the statue as well as the creation of a maintenance fund, the fund raising committee created a scholarship fund with the extra funds received.  This scholarship fund has since received many more donations in memory of Kelton and continues today.  The fund will award scholarships to chosen area students who are journalism majors attending any college.


The Korby Kennedy Memorial Scholarship Fund

Created in memory of Sergeant Korby Lee Kennedy, who tragically lost his life while escorting a motorcade in the line of duty on June 25, 2015 in San Angelo, Texas. Korby grew up in San Angelo, graduating from Central High School and Angelo State University, and served as a highly decorated police officer of more than 20 years. The scholarship will support dependents of area peace officers.


The Gloria Kerbow Memorial Scholarship Fund

Endowed scholarship fund established in memory of Gloria Kerbow of Sutton County. Scholarship goes to a full time student from the Concho Valley with preference given to a student whose major field of study is mental health.


 Kinney County- E. ON Climate and Renewables North America Higher Education Fund 

Created by income generated by the wind turbine industry, this fund provides scholarships to graduates within Bracket ISD of Kinney County to attend any college, university or vocational school.



Cleve Kirkland Cornerstone Scholarship Fund

Established in 2005 by friends and family in memory of local ophthalmologist, Dr. Cleve Kirkland. Fund provides college scholarships graduating senior of Cornerstone Christian School.



Martin and Patricia Lee FCA Scholarship Fund

Fund created by Martin and Patricia Lee to be awarded to a graduating senior of Bronte High School active in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.


Samuel Leonard Memorial Scholarship for Peace Officer Academy Fund

Fund created by family and friends in memory of fallen Deputy Sheriff Samuel Leonard of Concho County, will provide scholarship to prospective peace officers attending the Concho Valley Council of Governments Police Academy.


Nathaniel Isaiah Lewis Memorial Scholarship Fund

Created by family friends to remember Isaiah, who passed away in June of 2019.  Isaiah was a loyal longtime member and mentor with the Northside Boys & Girls Club and this scholarship will be awarded to future members of the club desiring to attend college.



Kara Linthicum Memorial Scholarship Fund

Fund established by Lad and Sue Linthicum in memory of their granddaughter, Kara Linthicum. Scholarships awarded to students who graduate from a high school within the area served by the Foundation, majoring in the arts. 


Dr. Charles W. Livingston Jr. Scholarship Fund

Created by a former professor with the Texas A&M agricultural research station in Sonora, College Station and San Angelo. Dr. Livingston was a descendant of a lifelong area ranching family and worked tirelessly to improve management of agricultural and rangeland activities.  Fund will award scholarships to students who have excelled in their studies and are majoring in pre-veterinarian or pre-medical degrees.



 Robby Loving Memorial Scholarship Fund

Robby was a PGA professional and Director of Golf at Bentwood Country Club, where he loved helping young people with golf as well as enjoyed the game of tennis. Robby played golf at Rider High School in Wichita Falls, TX where he traveled all over the United States competing in golf tournaments.  His hard work and determination paid off and received a full golf scholarship to Sam Houston State.  He then chose to stay in the golf business as a profession and thrived on helping others learn the game of golf.  He didn't play much tennis, but always talked about watching it as a young boy with his father.  This fund was created in his memory by Kaysie Smashey along with family and friends of Robby to help youth who participated in organized golf or tennis during their high school years.



Deanna Mayfield Scholarship Fund

Created by family and friends in memory of Deanna Mayfield to provide scholarships to area students. Deanna was the first female president of the chamber of commerce, partner with husband Stanley creating Mayfield Paper Company and stalwart mother and grandmother. The Foundation was blessed to have Deanna as a board member for over eight years.


Martin Family Scholarship Fund

Established from the estate of Arthur H. Martin to provide assistance to graduates of the 17 county area served by the Foundation.  Any high school graduate is eligible regardless of college choice.  The award is renewable for up to four years, subject to certain academic requirements.   


L. P. Bloodworth Dee Ora Masonic Lodge #715 Scholarship Fund

Established in memory of their fellow Masonic brother, L. P. Bloodworth, by Sonora local Masons for scholarships to selected graduating seniors from Sonora High School.


Robert and Mary Payne Massie Memorial Scholarship Fund

Established in memory of Robert and Mary Payne Massie, scholarships may be awarded to selected graduating seniors from Ozona, Irion County, Eldorado, and Sonora High Schools, who will attend Angelo State University.


Ralph and Bobby Lou Mayer Scholarship Fund

Awarded to a student who graduated from a high school within the area served by the Foundation and who is a student athlete admitted to or attending Angelo State University.

Ralph and Bobby Lou Mayer Academic Scholarship Fund

Awarded to a student who has or will graduate from a high school in Sutton, Kimble, Menard, Schleicher, Edwards and Val Verde County and who will be attending Angelo State University or Texas A&M University who has shown achievement in academics and will not qualify for federal assistance.


Houston McCoy Memorial Scholarship Fund

Houston McCoy Memorial Scholarship was created in 2016 by an anonymous donor. McCoy was born in 1940 and was a humble native of Menard, graduating in 1958, having been active in the local Boy Scout troop, an honor student and star athlete. He joined the army and served for three years, leaving in 1962 and joined Austin Police department in 1963. On Aug. 1, 1966 at the University of Texas Tower, sniper Charles Whitman fatally shot 14 people, including Austin police officer Billy Speed, and wounded 32 others until McCoy stopped him. McCoy avoided recognition or acknowledgement associated with the solemn event, later leaving Austin and going to work as Scout Ranger for the Boy Scouts at Camp Sol Mayer. An accomplished pilot, McCoy accomplished his goal of raising his children in a peaceful setting and taught them how to always lend a helping hand, and he passed away in December, 27, 2012. This scholarship will be based on available investment performance, but should be able to award each year $2,500 per semester, for a total of up to $20,000 over four years to a Menard graduate who is able to demonstrate excellent academic achievement and proven ability to achieve. Applications for this and other scholarships can be made online through the San Angelo Area Foundation's web-site at www.saafound.org. Applications are accepted January 1st through March 1st each year. For more information about Houston McCoy, visit www.westtexasscoutinghistory.net/McCoy-story.html


Lindsay Ann McCutchen Memorial Scholarship Fund

Established in memory of Lindsay Ann McCutchen by her family in 2011.  Lindsay Ann received the honor of Salutatorian when she graduated from Irion County High School, so in memory of her accomplishments, each year the salutatorian from Irion County High will be awarded this scholarship.



Vicki Crouch McEwin Memorial Scholarship Fund

Created in memory of Vicki Crouch McEwin, this fund will be awarded to a student who has participated as an active member of the Central High School band with preferance to a student in the percussion section.


Wylie McDonald Memorial Golf Scholarship Fund

Created by friends and family in memory of Wylie to provide a scholarship for a young golfer pursuing golf at Angelo State University. 


Willa Norris McKimmon and Lena Leggett Smith Scholarhip Fund

In honor of Willa Norris McKimmon and Lena Leggett Smith, these women were the grandmothers of Willa McKimmon Dickens (C'65) and Virginia McKimmon Noelke (C'61), both graduates of Saint Mary's School in North Carolina.  Excellent role models for their granddaughters both women not only provided for the needs of their children after the passing of their husbands, they also showed the world what women can do when they must or when they desire.  This fund is established to help young women at Saint Mary's school have the education and the inspiration they need to succeed. 



Amy McLaughlin Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Established in memory of Amy McLaughlin, by family and friends, following her death in 2011. Amy was a wonderful supporter of the scholarship program of the Foundation and a loyal University of Texas alumnus. Amy was involved in many aspects of the community of San Angelo and desired for this scholarship fund to support an area youth to attend the Univiersity of Texas and study within the College of Natural Sciences with focus on Human Ecology degree plans.



C.T. McLaughlin Scholarship Fund 

Awarded each year to a graduating senior from Snyder, in honor of the late C.T. McLaughlin, a long time resident and rancher from the Snyder area.


John Mark McLaughlin Scholarship Fund

Endowed fund created by the trustees of the San Angelo Health Foundation to honor John Mark McLaughlin for his service as an original trustee of the San Angelo Health Foundation.  Will award scholarships to area youth attending the University of Texas. 


John Mark McLaughlin Howard College - San Angelo Scholarship Fund
Scholarship for San Angelo-Howard College campus students.

Steve McNabb Memorial Scholarship Fund
Steve McNabb was a PGA professional who began his career at San Angelo Country Club before spending most of his time as Head Pro at Brownwood Country Club. Before his passing, he was inducted into the Quarter Century Club for serving the PGA of America for over 25 years. Steve’s deep passion for the game was evident through his involvement in numerous West Texas tournaments. This scholarship, created by his family, provides an opportunity for those who participated in high school golf and plan to attend a college or university.


Mendard Bank Scholarship Fund
Scholarship to support Menard High School graduates.

Raymond Torres Meza II Memorial Scholarship Fund

Scholarship fund established by friends and family of the Meza's in memory of both Raymond and son Raymond Jr. Scholarships awarded to Central High School graduates who plan to attend Angelo State University. A fountain honoring Raymond Jr. is located by the Concho River near the Celebration Bridge.



Rhett Miller Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Fund established by friends and family in memory of Rhett Miller, son of Pierce and Betty Miller. Fund provides a $2000 scholarship to a student from Central High School who has been a student at that high school for three consecutive semesters.

Rhett Miller Soccer Scholarship Fund

Scholarship established by Pierce and Betty Miller, in memory of Rhett Miller, a 1988 graduate of Central High School, who died in 1991. Rhett was involved in a variety of activities and sports, but soccer was his first love. An accomplished goal keeper, Rhett succeeded at both regional and state levels of competition and was selected to play on national teams in San Antonio and Houston. To be eligible for the scholarship, a male student must be a graduating senior on the San Angelo Central High School Bobcat Soccer Team.



Austin C. Millspaugh Scholarship Fund

Fund established in memory of Austin Millspaugh, who passed away in 2004, by board members of Texas State Bank along with friends and family. Scholarship awards a grant to a student who has earned at least 60 hours from a qualified college in the West Texas area and who is pursuing a degree in the field of agricultural sciences.



E.F. Noelke Memorial Veterinary Scholarship Fund

This fund was created by the grandchildren of the late E. F. Noelke, a ranching pioneer of west Texas. Carl Schlinke, DVM and his wife Pat started this fund to award scholarships for students seeking a Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine, with emphasis on becoming a veterinarian focused on the treatment of food animals. Other grandchildren and relatives have added to the Fund, to help increase the number of Veterinary students attending graduate school.


Anna Gretchen Noelke Scholarship Fund

This fund was created by the Ms. Noelke in honor of her family heritage of Menard. Each year, the fund can award two scholarships to Menard High School graduates with preference to those who can demonstrate their desire to return to Menard and continue the rich rural heritage of small communities of Texas. 

Dr. Walter D. Noelke Law Scholarship Fund

This fund was created in honor of Dr. Walter D. Noelke, a distignuished retired professor from Angelo State University and will provide a scholarship for a graduating senior of Angelo State University to pursue a law degree from Texas Tech University. 


Paul Novak Scholarship Fund 

Paul Novak was raised in the coal mining region of Pennsylvania and joined the Navy rising to the rank of a Medical Service Officer before retiring as a Lt. Commander. Later Paul served as a civilian hospital administrator.  This scholarship was created by the estate of Katherine Prather Novak, Paul's second wife in memory of him.  This scholarship will benefit students interested in pursuing a career in the medical field. 



Jaime Padron Memorial Scholarship Fund

Created in memory of Jaimie Padron by the Blue Knights of Texas Chapter 35. A gradute of Christoval High school and a marine, Jaime was killed in the line of duty in Austin in 2012. This scholarship is awarded to a child of an active or retired peace officer from Tom Green County. To learn more about Jaime, click here for more information. 


Palmer Family Scholarship Fund 

Established by Deborah Palmer to provide a scholarship to a student majoring in communications or business related sciences.


Harold and Elizabeth Bowman Peterson Scholarship Fund 

Estiblished by the Petersons to provide scholarships for current college students seeking an undergraduate or graduate degree in bio-medical engineering and rehabilitation engineering. 


A. Lee Pfluger Scholarship Fund

Established in honor and celebration of Lee's 70th birthday by his family and friends. Lee is a wonderful supporter of many downtown initiatives as well as arts, rehab center, and restoration of the beautiful Cactus Hotel. This scholarship will support a graduating senior from Eden High School. 


Karen O'Brien Pfluger Scholarship Fund

Established by the San Angelo Health Foundation in honor of Mrs. Pfluger's service on the board of trustees of the Health Foundation.



Carla_Pierce_picCarla Pierce Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Carla Pierce Memorial Scholarship Fund was created by her parents in memory of Carla for qualified nursing students at Angelo State University. Carla was a nurse and this scholarship desires to support those who seek to make nursing their career. 





Jo Anne and Charles E. Powell Academic Excellence Scholarship Fund 

Scholarship created by Charlie and JoAnne to help students with financial assistance to attend any accredited college or university.  Awarded to high school students who graduate within the 17-county area served by the San Angelo Area Foundation.   



Shawna Nichole Ralph Memorial Music Scholarship Fund

Created in memory of Shawna by her parents, this fund will award scholarships each year to a graduating senior from Central High School, who was an active participant in vocal music studies. Shawna loved music and singing, but was taken too soon and too young. Fund will help keep her memory alive for future students who share this same passion.



Dennis and Ginger Reed Scholarship Fund

Scholarship fund provides assistance to area youth, with preference given to students actively involved in a Church of Christ church and who will attend Angelo State University.


Ozelle & Morris Reese Scholarship Fund

Established by their son, Morris Reese, Jr., in memory of his parents, endowed fund awards a scholarship annually to a graduate of either Central High School or Lakeview High School, with the grant alternating between two schools each year. 

Paul R. Robbins Scholarship Fund

Established from the estate of Paul R. Robbins to provide assistance to graduates of the 17 county area served by the Foundation who desire vocational training.



Billy RobersonBilly and Mary Golder Roberson Family Endowment Fund

Created in memory of Billy Roberson by his family and friends to provide scholarships to Wall community youth who excel in athletics. Billy was a long time fixture at all Wall athletic events and provided support of Wall with his Chik-Fil-A products as well as personal support. This picuture of Billy was taken on his 50 anniversary of pitching in the Little League World Series throwing out the first pitch. Donors wishing to add to this fund may do so through the Foundation. 


Randall Ross & Jim Chionsini Memorial Scholarship Fund for Tom Green County Sheriff's Department 

Created in memory of Randall Ross and Jim Chionsini, both long-time supporters for the Tom Green County Sherriff's department, this college scholarship will be awarded to a dependent of a Commissioned Officers of the Tom Green County Sherriff's deparment.

 Jim Rose Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Established by Frank and Joan Rose, in memory of Frank's brother, Jim, the fund awards scholarships to student athletes admitted to or attending Angelo State University.



San Angelo Area Foundation Community Scholarship Fund

Fund accepts unrestricted donations to provide for scholarships to Concho Valley area youth.   


San Angelo A&M University Mothers' Club Scholarship Fund

Endowed scholarship fund established by members of the San Angelo A&M University Mothers' Club for students who are graduates of high school in the Concho Valley who are admitted to or attending Texas A&M University.


 Stormy Kimrey Memorial San Angelo A&M Club Scholarship Fund

Endowed scholarship fund established by members of the San Angelo A&M Club for students from the Concho Valley who have been accepted or currently are attending Texas A&M University. Named in memory of long-time supporter Stormy Kimrey who was instrumental in creation of this scholarship.

 San Angelo Rotary Scholarship Fund

Established by members of the San Angelo Rotary Club to exemplify the Rotarian credo of "Service above self." Awarded to "at-risk" graduates who plan to attend any accredited college, university, or community college. 


San Angelo Schools Scholarship Fund

Established by the San Angelo Schools Foundation from fundraisers and teacher payroll contributions.  Awarded to students who will graduate from either San Angelo Central or Lake View high schools. 


Fannie DeHoyos Sanchez Memorial Scholarship Fund

Endowed scholarship established by the family of Fannie DeHoyos Sanchez to honor her memory. Fannie was a faithful servant to our Lord Jesus Christ. She devoted twenty-four years of her life as a secretary in the Catholic Church of Ozona, Texas. Fannie continues to give to others even after her death through this scholarship fund. A scholarship will be awarded each year in her name to a graduating senior of Ozona High School.

Schleicher County Scholarship Fund 

Awarded to graduating seniors of Schleicher County ISD


Van Shahan Engineering Scholarship Fund 

Van grew up in San Angelo and became a legendary pioneer of computer chip design whose developments included the first commercially successful graphical user interface (the mouse) in the MacIntosh computer and chips that make up the backbone of the internet and countless other innovations. This fund was established to help other future engineers from our area to get a chance to change the world as he did.



 Jug Shannon Scholarship 

The Jug Shannon Scholarship was created in his memory by a dear friend to provide scholarships to graduates of Menard High School to attend a traditional college or university majoring in Physical Therapy or Kinesiology or in an accredited and certified vocational school pursuing any vocational degree or certification. ‘Jug’ Shannon was born Douglas Mason Shannon on a ranch in the central Texas Hill Country, which Jug considered his home. Jug served in the US Navy during the final years of World War II and moved back home to Menard in 1946. He worked at various jobs, including cleaning most business offices of the community, after which he shined shoes and mowed yards. His best known job was “the Trainer”. Jug was an unpaid athletic trainer for the Menard football team from 1947 to 1964 and continued to be a loyal Menard sports supporter, even in the older years of life. Jug was unique in several ways. He was only one of a few African-Americans living in Menard, and was one of the kindest, most caring, and trustworthy person in Menard’s history. He was, simply stated, a person of splendid character for all to emulate. He was very special and made others feel the same because of his friendship. For more information about Jug, click here.


Derek Sheppard Memorial Baseball Scholarship Fund

Those who had the pleasure of knowing Derek "Shep" Sheppard are aware of the passion he had for the game of baseball. Not only did he have outstanding talent on the filed, he had a passion for mentoring younger players. The reason for creating this scholarship is to keep Derek's love and spirit for the game known and active in the community.The Derek Sheppard "Shep" Scholarship fund has been created to assist a San Angelo Central High School baseball player, who meets the criteria, in his college career.

Mary T. Simpson Scholarship Fund

Established from the estate of Mary T. Simpson to provide assistance to graduates of San Angelo Central High School, San Angelo Lakeview High School and Zapata High School. Scholarship is based on academic achievement and participation in community activities.  The award is renewable for up to four years, subject to certain academic requirements.

Gary Speck Memorial Scholarship Fund

Established by friends and family of Gary, this scholarship will support Wall High School graduates active in band or athletics acitivites. An active supporter of the communities that he lived in, Gary attended as many school activities as he could. Anyone who knew Gary would attest to his place as the "#1 fan" and loudest cheerleader in the stands and was the long-time voice of the bands during half-time performances. 


Leigh Ann Spraggins Memorial Scholarship Fund

Created in memory of Leigh Ann Spraggins in honor of her dedication as a special education teacher in SAISD.  Leigh Ann worked 10 years as a special education teacher at Edison Jr. High.  Scholarship will be awarded to student pursuing a degree in Special Education  

Stephens Scholarship Funds for ASU Athletics

Steve and Pollyanna Stephens created two endowed scholarship funds to enhance the athletic programs at ASU. Both funds assist the athletic department of ASU with its student athlete recruitment. One focuses awards on students from the Concho Valley; the second is available to any ASU student athlete.


John A. Stephens Memorial Scholarship Fund

John was a Central High School graduate in San Angelo and graduated from Texas A&M in 1965 with a BS in agricultural science education. He taught school in Balmorhea, Burnet and for 16 years at Eden High School was the Ag Science teacher. He loved raising sheep and cattle, farming, singing and playing his guitar. John was an active member of the Eden Community and was a deacon, a music director and a Sunday school teacher, too. John never met a stranger and loved and enjoyed people, especially children and young adults, mentoring several students. This scholarship will support an Eden High School graduate who excelled in FFA and agricultural activities, targeting those who desire to become a teacher.


Sterling City Education Foundation Scholarship Funds

Created by income generaged by the wind turbine industry, this fund provides scholarships to graduates of Sterling City High School to attend any college, university or vocational school. 


Herb Straach Family Scholarship Fund

Established by the children of Herb Straach, in memory of their father, who was a long time manager for Templeton Constructions.  This scholarship targets those seeking to major in a construction management related field.


Ryan TerrillTeam Terrill Cancer Survivor Scholarship Fund

Ryan Terrill was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer - embroyonal rhabdmysarcoma or ERMS. Ryan finished second at state in 2012 for the Central Bobcats gymnastics team which placed third, so a cancer diagnosis was truly shocking. Ryan has battled and won the fight and has since walked on the gymnastics team at Oklahoma and desires for this fund to pay it forward, to help those young students, who have been diagnosed with cancer, beat the odds and fulfill their college dreams.


Texas Garden Club District VIII Scholarship Fund

Supports scholarships to area youth who have demonstrated past experience in gardening and horticulture sciences with an expressed desire to continue their education in related horticulture studies. 


Texas Sheep & Goat Raisers Scholarship Fund

Created by the Texas Sheep & Goat Raisers Association to provide students pursuing ag-related major who participated in ag-related school activities.  


TFWC Western District Alma Van Sickle Scholarship Fund

Created by the Western District of the Texas Federation of Women's Club in honor of Alma Van Sickle, will provide scholarships to a deserving young person exemplifying the tenants of the organization.


Tom Green County Historical Society Memorial Scholarship Fund

Created by the Tom Green County Historical Society for full time Concho Valley area student to attend college, majoring in history. 


Lance Corporal Elias Torrez III Memorial Scholarship Fund

Established by the San Angelo Bulldog Association, a group of Marines from the San Angelo area, in memory of Torrez, who was the first casualty of the Iraq/Afghanistan war from San Angelo. Torrez graduated in 2001 and joined the Marines the day before the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks.



David Trevino Memorial Scholarship Fund

Scholarship created in memory of David Trevino to support graduates of Cornerstone Christian School. 



Art and Eva Tucker Scholarship Fund

Created  by the trustees of the Art and Eva Tucker Foundation in memory of long time philanthropist, Eva Camuñez Tucker, this scholarship provides assistance to current college students who have at a minimum, completed 30 credit hours. 


Wall Class of 68 Scholarship Fund

Endowed scholarship created by the Class of 1968 for future Wall High School graduates


Water Valley Scholarship Fund

Scholarship Fund benefiting graduates of Water Valley High School. 


  T. Karman Weatherby MD Memorial Scholarship Fund

Fund created by the family of Dr. Weatherby to honor his legacy as a thoughtful and generous long-time physician in San Angelo.  The scholarship awarded to an area youth accepted into medical school with a preference given to those with intentions on returning to West Texas to practice medicine.




  Clayton Weishuhn Scholarship Fund

Created by friends and family in 2022 to remember the contribution Clayton made to our community because Clayton’s smile was warm, loving, and infectious with a hint of mischief in it.   His chuckle made his body shake, and he would hide his smile/laughter with his hand over his mouth, but his twinkling eyes gave him away.  In kindness, he was the master!  If you knew him, you couldn’t help but love him! Clayton was a blue-chip football player and attended Angelo State University to be close to family and farming. Drafted in 1982 by the New England Patriots, he played for six years in the NFL, still holding the single season record for tackles.  Although Clayton’s football records were exceptional and outstanding, his character as a man was stellar!  He never boasted about his playing ability and accomplishments but when he walked into a room, you felt his magnetism, care, love and friendship for you, and all others. This scholarship will support youth from rural communities around San Angelo who will attend Angelo State University.


West Texas C.R.E.O. Scholarship Fund
Provide tuition assistance for students who will attend Angelo State University or Howard College. West Texas CREO exits as a group of Individuals who have achieved success in their education or occupation so they can reinvest in other students by helping them in their efforts to pursue an educational or professional career. The organization was designed to assist students pursing higher education and to make sure the students are retained and do not dropout.


Noah_WhitiakerNoah Whitaker Memorial Scholarship Fund

Noah was a senior at Central High School and had also attended Lake View High School, before dying at age 17 in 2015, in the full assurance of God's sovereign provision for his life. Noah was an enthusiastic saxophone player and member of the Mighty Bobcat Band at CHS, and at Lake View, he was a proud member of the Chieftain Band, Jazz Band, and Chief Theatrics. Noah was treasured by his parents Jimmy and Susan Whitaker and brother, Jacob.  Additionally, Noah loved well and was well loved by his church, band and school families.  He delighted in making people laugh by entertaining them with well-practiced jokes and magic tricks or just by being his zany self.  Noah was fully confident in who he was as a creation of God and was not swayed by the world’s expectations. Noah’s brother, Jacob, said it best:  “Noah was the essence of mellowed out and chill and was also very protective of his family.” This scholarship will be awarded to a student who has participated as an active member of the band or performing arts at Central High School or Lake View High School located in San Angelo Texas.



John & Lula Ball White Memorial Scholarship Fund 

Mr. and Mrs. X B Cox, Jr. created this fund as a memorial to Mrs. Cox's parents, John Henry White, Jr. and Lula Virginia Ball White. The Whites were hard working stewards of the land in the first half of the 20th century, spending most of their lives in East Texas. This scholarship is focused towards helping a graduate student pursue a medical career in cancer research or heart disease research.


Ralph & Elene Wilson Scholarship Fund

Fund provides a scholarship to a junior at Angelo State University with at least 75 semester hours at ASU and who plans to graduate from that institution. 


Louis and Eddie Mae Woodward Scholarship Fund

Louis and Eddie Mae were ranchers in West Texas. Their children have established this fund in their memory to award scholarships to students coming from a West Texas agricultural and rural background who will attend a Texas or New Mexico college or university.

Woolworth Scholarship Fund

Established by the estate of May and Elizabeth Woolworth, who were both SAISD science teachers during the first half of the 20th century. Scholarships are awarded annually to students that excelled in science, ranked in the top 10% of their class, demonstrated accomplishment and rigor of taken science classes, indicated desire to major in science in college.

Orlie K. and Stell Bolding Wolfenbarger Memorial Scholarship Fund

Created in memory of Orlie K and Stella Bolding Wolfenbarger to support graduates of Irion County High School. 

Marcus and Marjorie Young Scholarship Fund

Created by Marcus and Majorie Young, this endowed fund will provide scholarships in perpetuity to graduating seniors who have obtained the rank of Eagle Scout from the Concho Valley Council of Boy Scouts of America. Marcus and his son, David are both Eagle Scouts and Marcus has been an assistant scout master for Troop 1 at First United Methodist Church in San Angelo as well as the liaison and supporter of the troop, serving over 30 years as a mentor and leader.